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Tea Time: Why Offering a Variety of Teas Can Improve Office Morale

A traditional Japanese tea set with a tea pot, cup, and saucer sitting on a bamboo table.  Water is being poured from a golden colored teapot into the cup of tea.



Even though “coffee” is in our name, The Coffee Run understands the importance tea plays in the office culture of many of our customers.  That is why The Coffee Run offers many different varieties of teas, including our own brands of loose leaf and bagged teas.  As offices in the US become more diverse, and as employees seek out alternatives to coffee, many companies are discovering the benefits of providing a diverse selection of teas. From boosting health to fostering a sense of community, the simple act of offering various teas can significantly enhance office morale. The shift from a coffee-centric culture to one that embraces tea is not just a matter of changing tastes. It reflects a broader trend towards promoting wellness, diversity, and inclusivity in the workplace. Companies that recognize and adapt to these changes are finding that a well-rounded beverage offering can lead to happier, more engaged employees.


The Growing Tea Trend in Workplaces


According to the Tea Association of the USA, tea consumption in offices has increased by 20% over the past five years. This trend is particularly noticeable among Millennials and Gen Z workers, who often prefer tea for its health benefits and variety of flavors. The traditional coffee-only culture is evolving, with many offices now boasting tea stations alongside their coffee makers, catering to a broader range of preferences and dietary needs. This shift is also driven by a growing awareness of the health implications of excessive coffee consumption and the desire for alternatives that offer different health benefits and flavors. By incorporating tea into the workplace, companies are not only catering to current preferences but also positioning themselves as forward-thinking employers who prioritize the well-being of their staff.


Health Benefits of Tea


One of the primary drivers behind tea's growing popularity is its health benefits. Many teas are rich in antioxidants like polyphenols, which help protect cells from damage. The act of brewing and sipping tea can be a calming ritual, aiding in stress reduction. Unlike coffee, most teas are hydrating, helping employees maintain proper fluid intake throughout the day. Additionally, tea offers varied caffeine content, from caffeine-free herbal teas to high-caffeine black teas, ensuring there's an option for every energy need. Regular consumption of tea has been linked to lower risks of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Furthermore, the L-theanine found in green and black teas can enhance focus and mental clarity, providing a balanced energy boost without the jitters commonly associated with coffee.


Types of Tea to Consider for Your Office


To create a diverse tea offering, consider including black tea, a classic choice with robust flavor and higher caffeine content, and green tea, known for its antioxidants and subtle, grassy notes. White tea, which is delicate and lightly caffeinated, and oolong tea, a partially oxidized tea with complex flavors, can add variety. Herbal teas and tisanes, such as chamomile, peppermint, and rooibos, offer caffeine-free options. Flavored and blended teas, like Earl Grey or fruit-infused teas, provide additional variety. This variety ensures that there is something for everyone, regardless of their taste preferences or dietary restrictions. Including seasonal teas, such as spiced blends in the winter or fruity teas in the summer, can also keep the selection fresh and exciting. Additionally, offering loose leaf teas alongside tea bags can elevate the tea experience, allowing tea enthusiasts to enjoy their preferred brewing methods.

A cup of yellow tea next to a cup of dried tea leaves.


How Tea Variety Improves Office Morale


The benefits of offering a variety of teas extend beyond personal preferences. Catering to diverse tastes shows employees that their individual needs are valued. Tea breaks, just as with coffee breaks, encourage social interaction, fostering better workplace relationships. Promoting wellness through healthier beverage choices demonstrates care for employee well-being. Different teas can boost productivity, with energizing black tea for morning focus and calming herbal tea for stressful afternoons. A diverse tea selection also creates a more inclusive environment for non-coffee drinkers and those with dietary restrictions. By providing a variety of teas, companies can cultivate a sense of belonging and inclusivity, making every employee feel considered and appreciated. The communal aspect of tea drinking can also help break down barriers between departments and hierarchies, fostering a more collaborative and cohesive work environment. Moreover, the act of taking a tea break can serve as a mental reset, helping employees return to their tasks with renewed energy and focus.


Setting Up a Tea Station in Your Office


Creating an inviting tea station doesn't have to be complicated. Essential equipment includes a hot water source (kettle, coffee machine with hot water spout, etc.), vessel for brewing (teapot, mugs, cups), and a variety of infusers if using loose leaf tea. Clear containers can display loose leaf teas, while a rack or shelving system used to organize tea bags can help maintain order. Providing milk, sugar, honey, and lemon caters to different preferences, and using eco-friendly options like reusable cups and compostable tea bags encourages sustainability. The setup should be convenient and accessible, encouraging employees to take advantage of the offerings. Investing in quality tea storage solutions can keep the teas fresh and flavorful, enhancing the overall experience. Additionally, consider adding comfortable seating and a welcoming ambiance around the tea station to make it a designated relaxation area where employees can unwind and connect with colleagues.


 Introducing Tea Culture to Your Workplace


To fully embrace tea culture, host tea tasting events to introduce employees to new varieties and organize educational sessions on tea benefits and proper brewing techniques. Incorporate tea into office celebrations and meetings as an alternative to coffee. Creating a tea club where enthusiasts can share their favorite blends and discoveries can further foster a sense of community. Encouraging participation in these activities can deepen employees' appreciation for tea and enhance their overall experience. Hosting themed tea events, such as pairing teas with different foods or celebrating international tea traditions, can add a fun and educational element to the workplace. Providing resources, such as informative pamphlets or online articles about tea, can also empower employees to make informed choices and explore the diverse world of tea on their own.


Addressing Common Concerns


When introducing a tea program, you might encounter some hesitations. While quality teas can be pricier than basic coffee, the benefits often outweigh the costs. Establish clear guidelines for keeping the tea station tidy to address maintenance and cleanliness concerns. Balancing tea and coffee offerings ensures a harmonious coexistence, and regular surveys can help adjust your tea selection to meet changing tastes. It's important to communicate the benefits and goals of the tea program to gain buy-in from employees and management. Providing training on proper tea preparation and maintenance can also help ensure that the tea station remains a pleasant and well-used resource. Addressing any logistical challenges, such as storage space or budget constraints, proactively can help smooth the implementation process and maximize the program's success.


Measuring the Impact of Tea on Office Morale


To gauge the success of your tea program, conduct regular employee satisfaction surveys, monitor productivity metrics before and after implementation, track absenteeism and wellness indicators, and observe improvements in team building and collaboration. Gathering feedback from employees can provide valuable insights into their preferences and experiences, allowing you to make informed adjustments to the tea offerings. Additionally, comparing productivity and wellness metrics over time can help quantify the benefits of the program and justify its continuation or expansion. Engaging employees in the evaluation process can also foster a sense of ownership and involvement, further enhancing their engagement and satisfaction with the tea program.


A cup of tea sitting on a decorative blue saucer.  Next to it, a scone with nuts is on a similar decorative blue plate.

Sourcing Quality Teas for Your Office


When stocking your office tea selection, this is where partnering with a quality coffee and tea delivery service can really make all of the difference.  The Coffee Run offers a large variety of off-the-shelf tea solutions to fit most of our tea needs.  In addition, we work with some of the largest importers in North America to bring in hard to find, exotic, and rare teas. Building relationships with trusted suppliers can ensure a consistent supply of high-quality teas that meet your office's needs. Offering a variety of price points and tea types can cater to different preferences and budgets, making the program accessible and appealing to all employees. In addition to finding the right supplier, it is also important to prioritize freshness and proper storage to maintain quality and explore fair trade and organic options to align with corporate values. Introducing seasonal tea rotations can also keep the selection exciting. Additionally, incorporating feedback from employees into the sourcing process can help ensure that the selection remains relevant and enjoyable.


The Role of Tea in Creating a Positive Office Culture


Beyond its immediate benefits, tea can play a significant role in shaping office culture. Offering tea demonstrates care for employee well-being, fosters a sense of community and shared experience, encourages mindfulness and stress relief, and supports work-life balance by catering to various needs throughout the day. By integrating tea into the daily routine, companies can create a more relaxed and enjoyable work environment. The ritual of preparing and sharing tea can promote mindfulness and provide a moment of calm amid a busy workday. Encouraging employees to take regular tea breaks can help prevent burnout and support mental and physical health. Overall, a well-rounded tea program can contribute to a more positive, cohesive, and productive workplace culture.


Tips for a Successful Office Tea Program


To ensure your tea initiative thrives, start small with a core selection and expand based on feedback. Regularly gather employee input to refine your offerings, provide education on proper brewing techniques for optimal flavor, and rotate tea selections to maintain interest and cater to changing seasons. Flexibility and responsiveness to employee preferences are key to maintaining a successful tea program. Engaging employees in the selection and evaluation process can foster a sense of ownership and enthusiasm. Providing opportunities for employees to learn about and explore different teas can deepen their appreciation and enjoyment. Regularly updating the tea offerings can keep the program fresh and exciting, encouraging ongoing participation and satisfaction.


The Future of Tea in the Workplace


As tea continues to gain popularity in the US, expect to see emerging trends like bubble tea and kombucha making their way into offices, greater integration of tea into workplace wellness programs, and tea-centered team-building activities becoming more common. The evolving tea landscape offers exciting possibilities for enhancing workplace culture and employee well-being. Staying attuned to these trends and being willing to experiment with new offerings can help keep your tea program relevant and appealing. By embracing the diverse and dynamic world of tea, companies can continue to foster a positive, inclusive, and health-conscious workplace environment.




Introducing a variety of teas to your office is more than just expanding beverage options – it's an investment in your team's well-being and satisfaction. By catering to diverse tastes, promoting health, and fostering a sense of community, a well-implemented tea program can significantly boost office morale. At The Coffee Run, we're passionate about helping offices create positive, energizing environments through quality beverages. While we may have "coffee" in our name, we're equally enthusiastic about tea! Explore our tea delivery services to discover how we can help elevate your office beverage game and contribute to a happier, more productive workplace.




Q: How should we store tea in the office to maintain freshness? Store tea in airtight containers away from light, heat, and strong odors. Keep different types separate to prevent flavor mixing. Proper storage is crucial to preserving the flavor and quality of tea. Investing in good storage solutions can make a significant difference in the tea experience.


Q: How do we accommodate employees with caffeine sensitivities? Offer a range of herbal and decaffeinated teas alongside caffeinated options. Clearly label all teas with their caffeine content. Providing detailed information about each tea can help employees make informed choices that suit their preferences and dietary needs.


Q: What's the best way to clean shared tea equipment? Establish a daily cleaning routine for kettles and teapots using mild soap and water. Descale equipment monthly to prevent mineral buildup. Regular cleaning and maintenance can ensure that the tea equipment remains in good condition and provides a pleasant tea experience for everyone.


Remember, a great cup of tea starts with quality ingredients and proper preparation. By offering a variety of teas and creating a welcoming tea culture, you're not just serving a beverage – you're brewing up better office morale, one cup at a time.

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